FEWSION Version 2.0 Workflow with XSEDE

Benjamin Ruddell, Northern Arizona University


ACCESS Allocation Request ECS200006

Abstract: This is a request for 364,344 service units (or, if rounding up, 500,000) on TACC’s Stampede2 SKX nodes to model and map the United States food-energy-water (FEW) system at temporal and spatial resolutions relevant to decision-making. The NSF-funded FEWSION Project integrates disparate food, energy, and water datasets through a Python-based scientific workflow that relies on data fusion and parallel computing to produce a synthetic database describing the United States FEW system. The FEWSION Database Version 1.0 describes U.S. FEW systems for a single year in the 2010-2012 period. Reference time periods for this version, and subsequent releases, are dictated by source data availability and source data temporal resolution. The goal of the FEWSION Project is to produce meaningful and actionable FEW system data for emergency managers, supply chain managers, operations managers, sustainability practitioners, academic researchers, and private sector partners. To that end, the FEWSION Project released a visualization system for the FEWSION Database called FEW-View (https://fewsion.us/few-view/), the first publicly-available visualization system of the U.S. FEW system of its kind – the release of raw data is forthcoming, pending peer review. Version 2.0 of the FEWSION Database will expand our knowledge of the U.S. FEW system by orders of magnitude beyond the existing Version 1.0 database. High priority features that the FEWSION team will add for Version 2.0 of the FEWSION Database include modeling finer timescales, finer spatial resolutions, individual supply chain steps, route FEW flows between origin and destination, and model new FEW commodities and embedded resources.


2020 PSC Bridges-2 Regular Memory (PSC Bridges-2 RM) 2,535,631.0 Core-hours
2020 PSC Bridges-2 Storage (PSC Ocean) 50,500.0 GB
2020 PSC Regular Memory (Bridges) 1,493.8 SUs
2020 TACC Dell/Intel Knights Landing, Skylake System (Stampede2) 5,000.0 Node Hours
2020 TACC Long-term tape Archival Storage (Ranch) 500.0 GB
2020 XSEDE Extended Collaborative Support Yes
The estimated value of these awarded resources is $33,199.15. The allocation of these resources represents a considerable investment by the NSF in advanced computing infrastructure for the U.S. The dollar value of the allocation is estimated from the NSF awards supporting the allocated resources.
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