Evolutionary Genomics & Bioinformatics

Jeffrey Blanchard, University of Massachusetts, Amherst


ACCESS Allocation Request MCB200203

Abstract: This allocation is to support BIOL597/697GE “Evolutionary Genomics & Bioinformatics” at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in Fall 2020. The course is designed for seniors and graduate students. This course provides an introduction to evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics and data sciences skills for life science students. Computer-based lab sessions provide training in data science skills (Unix command line, Python, R, reproducible research, and cloud computing) and analytical methods related to DNA sequence searches, sequence alignment, detecting variation, phylogenetics, comparative genomics and genome visualization. The discussion section goes deeper into these methods and their applications in recent evolutionary genomics literature. A final project involving data from researchers on campus ties together the conceptual and computational foundations of the course. The course materials will be available on Github (https://github.com/jeffreyblanchard/EvoGeno).


2020 IU/TACC (Jetstream) 250,000.0 SUs
The estimated value of these awarded resources is $5,000.00. The allocation of these resources represents a considerable investment by the NSF in advanced computing infrastructure for the U.S. The dollar value of the allocation is estimated from the NSF awards supporting the allocated resources.
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